Aftercare Lips

After Care for Permanent Lips:

What to expect and important instructions:

If you are fever blister prone, you HAVE to take anti viral tablets to prevent fever blister formation. Virohexal  Script needed from GP to get from pharmacy. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to prevent fading where blister comes out.

Day 1-3: treated area looks TOO dark and bigger. This is due to the pigment crust / scab formation. All colours scab 70% DARKER and THICKER. Lips will fade 70%.

Apply a THIN layer of the barrier cream provided to treated area in morning and evening with an ear bud for 3 often as needed. Keep area moist.  After 3 days no need to apply barrier cream anymore. DO NOT APPLY BACTROBAN/ZAMBUC. Bactroban will draw out the ink.

Anti-inflammatory tablets / painkillers can be taken to subside burn sensation. 2xArnica homeopathic tablets can be chewed every 2 hrs to reduce swelling and bruising (if any).

If you are fever blister prone, you HAVE to take anti viral tablets to prevent fever blister formation. Examples : Virohexal / Lovire. Script needed from GP to get from pharmacy. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to prevent fading where blister comes out.

Wash your face as normal but around treated area, Do not wash the treated area with soap or chemicals. Pat dry. No rubbing. The less you agitate the treated area, the better result you will have. Smoking can cause infection, use plastic filters.

Ignore any yellow/mustard/green/ pink undertones in first 5 days. These are pigment toners/stabilisers that will disappear after scabs have shed. Foundation / face powder can be applied over treated area after 8 hours to soften the appearance.

Day 3-5:

Scabs / crusts may start to detach/flake. Colour will look completely vanished. This is normal. You have 7 layers of skin, and it takes 6-8 weeks for all the colour to surface through the 7 layers and become complete and even everywhere. Be patient, the colour might only start showing after 6 weeks but it WILL SHOW

Do not pick off. Let it heal on its own.

Picking may lead to fading and touch ups will be required.

Day 10 onwards:

Treated area will start to look really nice but still uneven in solidness, colour and undertone. Every week for a total of 8 weeks the colour will mature and even out and become more visible and solid.

Dryness is normal since 7 layers of skin are rejuvenating weekly. The benefit of the dryness is that the lips generate more collagen and will appear naturally more plumped after 6-8 weeks.

If you are fever blister prone, you HAVE to take anti viral tablets to prevent fever blister formation. Examples : Virohexal / Lovire. Script needed from GP to get from pharmacy. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to prevent fading where blister comes out.



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